When Will You Ship My Items?
All items are subject to a handling period before they are shipped. Most all our orders leave the warehouse within 3-7 days of payment. We will notify you by email when your items have been shipped. Please allow 7 to 10 days to receive your tracking number after payment.
When Will I Receive My Items?
For our retail and special offer items, please allow up to 4 weeks delivery time as they may be shipping from other countries. Shipping times may be longer during the Hoilday season.
Where Are My Items Coming From?
Although our company and fulfillment house are located in the USA, some of our items are located in other countries such as Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, or China.
Will My Items Be Sent In One Package?
For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you have specified combined shipping. Please keep this in mind when receiving deliveries.
What If I Need to Change My Order?
You have a 24 hour window from when you placed your order to contact us via email at: support@SmartArtsMart.com to request any changes, such as size, color, address change, or cancellations. After this time period has expired the order cannot be changed.
What If I Receive The Wrong Item or Damaged Item?
Sometime things go awry and an order or item has a problem. Please contact us at support@SmartArtsMart.com to get further instructions to remedy the problem. We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase.
What is That Smell?
When customers open their items they might get a strong vinegar smell. Our fulfillment company uses a pre-treatment to set the design on the item. Once the item passes the quality control check it is bagged and labeled for shipping. So the smell can be strong.
Removing the smell is easy. Just wash the garment inside out in cold water with a light detergent and the smell will be removed. It is not necessary to turn garments inside out. However I like to wash my new garments inside out and hang to dry the first couple times.
All Other Questions?
If you have any other questions, please contact us via email at support@SmartArtsMart.com